Value Investment In Hong Kong Stock

Thursday, July 27, 2006


專家說,目前產量增幅比需求快7%,價格已接近合理 目前鋼材市場的供給比需求增幅要快7%,因此預期短期內鋼材價格仍然平穩,不會大幅上漲,這是記者昨日從廣州舉辦的一個論壇上獲悉的。

由廣東物資集團聯合中國物流與採購聯合會、廣東省經貿委等單位主辦的“首屆華南金屬論壇”昨天拉開帷幕,中國物流與採購聯合會會長陸江、原國家商務部副部長張志剛、國家發改委經濟運行局副局長賈銀松、中國銀監會業務創新監管協作部副主任王岩岫等出席論壇。 國家發改委經濟運行局副局長賈銀松透露,國家發改委今年有關鋼鐵工業發展的主要目標是繼續推進鋼鐵工業發展迴圈經濟,鼓勵企業跨地區集團化重組,形成若干有國際競爭力的企業,同時積極利用低品位的鐵礦石資源。 專家們分析,目前國家宏觀調控政策,將控制固定資產投資增長,包括房地產新政以及上調銀行準備金率,將給鋼鐵業降溫,下半年鋼材市場上漲空間有限

記者從會上獲悉,今年以來,我國鋼材市場出現了較強勁的升溫勢頭,市場價格止跌回升,5月份達到峰值,6月份漲幅開始回落。 對此,中國物流資訊中心主任蔡進認為,5月份有關鋼材指數出現了較明顯回落,但仍處在較高水準,這說明鋼材市場升溫趨勢開始減緩,高位趨穩將會是下半年市場運行的基本態勢。 蔡進認為,目前鋼材市場值得關注的問題之一還是供給增長仍然快於需求增長,目前國內生產明顯快於國內需求,產量增幅仍比需求快7%。 據悉,政府最近採取了一系列調控政策,包括調整基準利率,出臺針對房地產“新政”,提高銀行準備金率,以及可能要對部分產品調整關稅和出口退稅政策等。 蔡進認為,上述政策對鋼材市場預期產生一定影響,但近期鋼材市場將保持穩定快速增長趨勢。



Report expects steel price to stabilize in second half

Report expects steel price to stabilize in second half
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2006-07-27 11:31

China's steel price will grow more slowly in the second half of the year and then stabilize, according to the latest report from the National Development and Reform Commission. By the end of June, the average price of major steel products had risen 13.51 percent since January to 4,217 yuan (534 U.S. dollars) per ton, said He Xiaoying, a researcher with the Price Monitoring Center of the commission in her report.

But He predicted that steel price growth will taper off becauseof overcapacity in the industry. Domestic steel production reached 180.6 million tons in the Jan.-May period this year, up 24.6 percent year on year, He said. The government's macro control policy, which includes raising interest rates to rein in overheated fixed asset investment, will also help restrain the demand for steel, the report said. The price of imported iron ore jumped 19 percent in the first half, impacting production costs, so it is unlikely that the steelprice will slump in the second semester, He said. He concluded that the domestic steel price will remain stable in the second semester, at a level probably slightly higher than for the first half of the year.

